Our Team.
Fighting sprawl.
Peter Andersen, Chair

Peter A. Andersen, PhD is professor emeritus in the School of Communication at San Diego State University. He has been a member of the Sierra Club for over 40 years. In the 1990’s he served three terms as chair of the San Diego Chapter Political Committee. He served two terms on the San Diego Chapter Executive Committee as Chair.

George Courser, Co-Chair
George has been involved in major projects including the recently resolved Gregory Canyon Landfill, the Sunrise Powerlink, ballot Measures A & B, protect Del Mar Mesa Preserve and innumerable smaller projects. George is Chair of the San Diego Sierra Club Conservation Committee.
Bob Glaser, Consultant

Bob Glaser is a San Diego based political consultant and owner of The La Jolla Group Consulting, Inc. Bob is an expert in ballot measure qualifying as well as steering numerous successful political campaigns. Bob gathered over 117,000 signatures to qualify No On Newland referendum and 110,000 SOS Initiative.

Lisa Ross is a Communications strategist who has worked for 30 years on ballot measure and candidate campaigns. Lisa is a former chair of the Del Mar Mesa Planning Board and Friends of Del Mar Mesa. She is POPs Protect Our Preserves San Diego co-chair.
Lisa Ross, Media
Major Contributors
The La Jolla Group Consulting,, Inc