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NOVEMBER 3 Election
YES on Measure N
Safeguard SANTEE open space
YES on Measure Q
Stop Corruption in SANTEE
SIGN the Referendum: DONE

Billboarding 1



Billboarding 1
Ballot Measures
Two measures on the November ballot will determine the landscape of rural Santee.
Measure N would require a vote of the people for any change to the Santee General Plan, ending backroom deals that sell out rural areas like Fanita Ranch. Measure Q would impose 12 year term limits on City Council seats.
Get Involved
SAS is hitting the streets to get the word out about the importance of voting Yes on Measure N and Yes on Measure Q.
Join us walking precincts, human billboarding, phone banking, talking with neighbors and community groups, and participating in upcoming events. Download a yard sign
About Fanita Ranch
Referendum Petition To Rescind Fanita Ranch approval turned in early with over 6200 signatures! (3600 needed to qualify)

Santee City Council Meeting: September 23
6:30pm. Council approved sprawl plan for Fanita Ranch 4-1
Santee Mayor Stephen Houlihan
Santee City Council, D4. Samm Hurst
San Diego City Council, D1 Joe LaCava
San Diego County, D3 Terra Lawson-Remer
"Fanita’s natural urban growth boundary provides endangered species habitat and a golden scenic backdrop of visual relief for the city. The northern interior of the ranch is a walk back in time with a unique serenity now unknown elsewhere in coastal San Diego County."

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